In this article we will explain how to contribute to the Realm VTT Marketplace.
Modules facilitate the sharing of content generated from one campaign with another. Any user can access the Export Module dialog to construct their own modules of content. Creating a module with data from a single campaign is an effective method for exporting data for future campaigns, thereby avoiding the need to re-enter it. This approach also does not consume additional storage space within your Asset Storage Limits. However, it is important to note that deleting files does not immediately update your Asset Storage Limit, so it is advisable to consider this factor when exporting a Module.
Importing and Un-importing Modules
To import a module, follow the following steps:
Navigate to the campaign in which you wish to import the module.
Click on the “Modules” navigation item. This will open the “Modules” list, which will display all modules you have acquired from the Realm VTT Marketplace and all modules you have exported yourself. Note: This window will only list modules that pertain to the ruleset of the current campaign and generic modules.
Select the module you wish to import.
In the dialog that appears, click the “Import” button. Please wait, as this process can take few minutes if there is a significant amount of data. Once the import is complete, all records provided by the module will be present in your campaign. You can edit or modify these records as desired, but they will not affect the module itself.
If you wish to remove all records created by the import, click on the “Remove Module” button. This process will also take a second to remove all the data from the campaign.
Re-importing a module that has already been imported will remove the previous records and update them with any changes from the module. This is beneficial if the module has been updated since the last time it was imported.
Exporting Modules
When you are ready to export data in one campaign into a module, follow the following steps.
Note: If any of your exported entries link out (either via Record Links or Dropdown fields) to other records that are from another module, players will only be able to access those records as Read Only, and only if they have access to the module they exist in.
If you attempt to export a record that links to a type (such as Items) that exists in this campaign, but the Items type was not exported, then these links will not function properly when the module is imported in another campaign.
First, go to the Campaign that you’d like to export data in.
Once all your data is entered and ready for export, click on the Modules nav item.
This will open the Modules list, which will show you all Modules you have acquired from the Realm VTT Marketplace, and all that you have exported yourself.
The “Existing Modules” accordion can be opened to view other Modules within this Ruleset (or Generic Modules) that you have exported.
If you want to re-export a module, find the module in the list here and click “Populate Export Form from Module.” Make any changes as needed to the form, and then click Export.
If you wish to delete a Module you have exported, click “Delete Module.” This will take some time. Note: You cannot delete Modules that have been published to the Marketplace without the support of an Admin.
Select a Portrait Image for the Module. This is Optional, but for Marketplace modules, this should be set to the cover image of the Module you are publishing.
Enter a Title for the Module that will displayed within the Campaigns (and on the Marketplace if published).
The Slug should be auto-generated from the Title. It must be unique, and the Export will error if it already exists. Change it as necessary.
Set the Author to the author of the content you are exporting, or leave it blank.
Select the Ruleset that this Module can be imported it. You can either set it to the “Any Ruleset” to make a Generic Module, or the Ruleset for which this Campaign is using.
Check “Publish to Marketplace” if you are sharing this content with other Users.
Note: See the section below on Publishing content. Only Contributors and Publishers can publish to the Marketplace.
If this is a Module you are Publishing to the Marketplace, enter the Price, or leave it at 0 if this is a Free Module.
This is not required for your own modules.
If this is a Module you are Publishing, you also need to select the Publisher unless this is a Self-Published Module.
This is not required for your own modules.
If you do not see the Publisher for Module you are exporting, contact Support.
Enter a Description for the Module that will show in the Campaigns (and on the Marketplace if published).
Finally, select all Record Types that you wish to include in the Module.
If the Record Type is one that you wish all Players to have access to in your campaign, select “Shared by Default.”
Generally, things like Items, Classes, and other Player options should be Shared by Default, while records such as NPCs and Scenes are usually not.
You may also wish to consider splitting your content into two modules, one containing entirely Player Shared content and one just for the GMs.
Click “Export” when ready at the very bottom of the Dialog. Please wait for this process to complete. It can take a few minutes for Modules with a lot of data.
Main Export Details
Record Type Selection
Publishing to the Marketplace
If you wish to share a Module to the Marketplace you need to request one of two Roles, depending on what you wish to contribute. Either of the following Roles are also required to Publish a Ruleset. To request one of the following Roles, use the Contact Support form within Realm VTT.
Note: Regardless of your role, you can only publish content that you own the rights to or if Realm VTT has a license with the publisher. By publishing content to the Marketplace, you agree and attest that you own the content or have permission to publish it to our Marketplace.
All modules upon publication will require an initial review and approval from an admin before they are fully published and available on the Marketplace.
The Contributor role allows you to publish Free modules to share content with others on the Marketplace.
The Publisher role allows you to publish Free and Priced modules to the Marketplace. Publishers require additional onboarding via Stripe Connect (see below).
As a Publisher, you can sell content on the Marketplace that you own or that you have created for Realm VTT and that we have a license to with the publisher for.
Publisher accounts must be configured via Stripe with a bank account for disseminating funds, and will be asked onboarding questions for identity verification and tax purposes.
Publisher Account Onboarding
If you have been approved to become a Publisher on the Platform, you will need to perform the onboarding provided by Stripe Connect.
Log in to your account at Realm VTT
Click your Avatar
Click Settings
Scroll down and click the “Create Publisher Stripe Account”
This should navigate you to the Stripe Connect Onboarding, please fill out all the necessary information.
Once everything has been completed successfully you will be navigated back to Realm VTT
Click Settings and scroll down again
If the button says “Finish Publisher Account Onboarding” you may need to complete additional steps. Click the button and complete whatever is required.
Once the button reads “Go to Publisher Dashboard” you are ready to begin publishing Modules. Clicking on this button will take you to a Dashboard hosted by Stripe to view your payouts and set your configuration.
Publishing Priced Modules
Once your account is onboarded to Stripe Connect you can Publish a Priced Module.
When publishing the Module, enter a price that is greater or equal to 4.99 (our current minimum)
Once published, the Module will be sent to our team for approval
You will get an e-mail when your Module has been approved and added to the Marketplace
Contact Support if you want to set a specific release date in which the Module should be published
Platform Fee and Royalties
Realm VTT only takes a 15% platform fee for all content you sell via the Marketplace. This is to help cover the costs of the platform and fees imposed by Stripe.
Additionally, if you are publishing content owned by a 3rd party publisher that has partnered with Realm VTT, they will take a cut of all sales as per their license agreement.
Finally, you can also request additional royalty splits to other users on the platform. If more than one user should get a cut of the sales, please contact Support to ensure it is configured properly.